
Mill Images

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Company Profile


Sierra Madre Sawing and Milling was founded as a division of Stats Wholesale Floral Supply in May, 2009 and is operated to this day by Damon Stathatos, a member of the family and the family business.  Sierra Madre Sawing and Milling specializes in hard to find, rare exotic hardwoods primarily from Central and South Americas.  Our 'main woods' are COCOBOLO (dalbergia retusa), a rosewood renowned for its hardness and beautiful figure, and ZIRICOTE (cordia dodecandra), the figure of which is quite unique, simply spectacular as described by most.  


Added to the mix are a few highly figured domestic hardwoods such as Western Big Leaf Maple from Oregon and a wide assortment of large local urban reclaimed turning blocks and blanks.  And finally, some more exotics such as genuine Honduran Mahogany and some amazing Camphor Burl from Burma.


We originally began with the intention of brokering our woods to manufacturers and large users of very specialty woods, such as gun stock makers, major guitar companies, or high-end furniture makers.  With our 'impeccable' sense of timing, we hit the market at the absolute worst time for a new start-up, or around six months after the 'World Economic Collapse' of late 2008.  It was difficult for us to follow our business model due to the economics at the time but we did find a market with some of the smaller users if we were able to mill our cants down into more usable, dimensioned product.  


Understanding that we needed to call an 'audible,' we began buying machines and outfitting our shop to become more of a milling operation as opposed to the brokering concept.  More about the build-up of our shop can be found in the Our Woodshop section.  We completed our shop build-up about one year after inception and set about the ardous task of getting the word out and letting people know what we were all about.  Although that task continues to this day, ever so slowly we began to attract people and entities from a broad cross section of the industry, from the casual enthusiast to notable custom furniture makers and from small assemblers to major factories who use exotic woods as components in their product.  See some of our more distinguised clients in our Customer Profile section.  


We feel fortunate that you have found our website and hope that our content here convinces you that we are truly a very special and unique type of wood source.  We invite you to call and visit us today and welcome the opportunity to serve you in the future.




123 East Montecito Avenue

Sierra Madre, CA.,   91024


Hours:  (Taken from our Favorite 'Sawings' section)

Open:    When we feel like getting here

Closed:  When we're not here or we are somewhere else


Translation:  CALL BEFORE COMING OUT…but seriously, we're usually there between ABOUT 11am to AROUND 6 or 7 pm everyday, Monday through Saturday.  We're here SOMETIMES on Sunday, just depends upon how we feel.



largest inventory in southern california tropical exotic hardwoods


  • 'Raw' COCOBOLO 'cants'
  • ZIRICOTE full boards



  • 'Raw' cants
  • Milled Boards
  • Live Edge Slabs
  • Bookmatches
  • Quilts and Spalts
  • Turning Blanks 



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